see also webservice configuration example for opentox-(client/server) version >= 3.0.0.

A&A How it works

A&A is located in a before filter method of the ruby framework sinatra, which means every request (REST) to the sinatra application is controlled by the code inside this filter befor anything else happens.

If A&A is activated:

  1. every request is disallowed.
  2. you can define exeptions in the configuration file => CONFIGURATION
    • authentication exeptions
    • authorization exeptions
  3. you can allow one or more REST request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to an URI controlled by the openSSO server, defined in policies. => POLICIES

A&A Flow opentox-ruby gem

Graphical Flow of Authorization & Authentication for webservices using the opentox-ruby gem. Webservice configuration is located in /home/USERNAME/.opentox/config/ENVIRONMENT.yaml

Authorization Authentication

Configuration options

inside the authorization block (see also configuration example)

  • server- openSSO server URI. If this line is set to :server: A&A is disabled.
  • free_request - requests without any Authorization and Authentication GET, POST, PUT, DELETE (maybe also HEAD in newer Versions)
  • authenticate_request - requests with Authentication but without Authorization GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • authorize_request - requests controlled by Authentication and Authorization GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
  • free_uris - YAML hash of requests and URIs not controlled by A&A
  • authorize_exceptions - YAML hash of requests and URIs only authenticated, without authorization (user has to be logged in)

String or regex URIs ——- URIs in free_uris and authorize_exceptions are possible as string or regex e.G.:

    ? - :GET
    : - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/algorithm/
      - "http://SERVER/model"

defines free access to GET request for “http://SEVER/model” exact URI, not to “http://SERVER/model/ID”. the regex !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/algorithm/ gives free GET request to “http://SERVER/agorithm/” and all addresses below like “http://SERVER/algorithm/bbrc/”.

Configuration-file example

# OpenSSO Authorization
# set ":server: " to disable A&A
  :free_request: #request-method not controlled by A&A
    - ""
  :authenticate_request: #only for authenticated user
    - ""
  :authorize_request:  #only for authenticated and authorized user
    - "GET"
    - "POST"
    - "HEAD"
    - "DELETE"
    - "PUT"
# Exceptions:
  :free_uris: #request-method for uri not controlled by A&A
    ? - :GET
    : - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/algorithm/
      - "http://SERVER/model"
      - "http://SERVER/dataset"
      - "http://SERVER/validation"
      - "http://SERVER/toxcreate"
      - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/validation\/resources/
      - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/validation\/[a-z,A-Z,\/,_\-]*$/
    ? - :GET
      - :POST
      - :HEAD
    : - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/toxcreate\/[a-z,A-Z,\/,_\-]*$/
      - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/task/
      - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/compound/
      - !ruby/regexp /sign_(in|out)$/
    ? - :PUT
    : - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/task/
    ? - :DELETE
    : - "http://SERVER/task/cleanup"

  :authorize_exceptions: #request-method for uri only authenticated, no authorization
    ? - :POST
    : - !ruby/regexp /http:\/\/SERVER\/algorithm/
      - "http://SERVER/dataset"
      - "http://SERVER/model"
      - "http://SERVER/validation"
      - !ruby/regexp /http\:\/\/SERVER\/validation\/[a-z,A-Z,\/,_\-]*$/

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03 September 2012
