Example content of a webservice configuration file. The webservices config file (ruby .rb file) is located at /$HOME/.opentox/config/WEBSERVICE_NAME.rb

$task = {
  :uri => 'https://services.in-silico.ch/task'
$four_store = {
  :uri => 'https://4STORESERVER/',
  :user => '4STOREUSER',
  :password => '4STOREPASSWORD',
$aa = {
  :uri => 'https://opensso.in-silico.ch',
  :free_request => [:HEAD],
  :authenticate_request => [],
  :authorize_request => [:GET, :POST, :DELETE, :PUT],
  :authorize_exceptions => {[:GET, :POST, :HEAD] => ['https://SERVER/WEBSERVICE', $task[:uri]]}
  :uri => "https://SERVER/WEBSERVICE"

Example Details

  • $task Hash: defines the URI of the task service.
  • $four_store Hash: with values for URI, username and password to a 4store.
  • $aa Hash: configuration for Authorization and Authentication server.

    • uri: of the opensso server. set :uri => nil to disable A&A
    • free_request: requests without A&A control
    • authenticate_request: requests with authentication only
    • authorize_request: requests with authentication and authorization
    • authorize_exceptions: URIs with authorization exceptions
  • $WEBSERVICE_NAME Hash: standard configuration of a the webservice. URI and anything else what is needed.

see also webservice configuration example for opentox-(client/server) version >= 3.0.0.

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16 July 2012
