Default OpenTox objects are defined in opentox-client/lib/opentox.rb. They contain metadata as RDF::Graph in the @rdf variable.

Accessing metadata

The OpenTox#metadata method returns object metadata as a hash with predicates as keys and objects as values. The [] shortcut gives direct access to metadata values (object[RDF::DC.title] returns e.g. the objects title). An array is returned if multiple entries are available for the predicate (feature[RDF.type] may return e.g. [RDF::OT.Feature, RDF::OT.StringFeature, RDF::OT.NominalFeature]).

Shortcut methods exist for frequently used predicates, you may use e.g. object.title instead of object[RDF::DC.title].

Setting metadata

There are two methods to assign metadata: object[predicate] = value assigns new value(s) to a predicate (replacing existing values) while object.append subject, value appends metadata to existing entries. In both cases value can be either a single entry or an array of values. You can also use convenience shortcuts like object.title = new_title.

Client - server synchronisation

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22 July 2012
