Opentox-ruby has facilities to calculate more than 300 non-proprietary physico-chemical descriptors, whose calculation can be easily triggered with REST calls.

Three libraries are employed for descriptor calculation:

CDK and OpenBabel are actively maintained packages with a large community, while Joelib seems is more or less a single man’s work.

Descriptors have been categorized across libraries. It is possible to calculate descriptors individually, or calculate groups of descriptors according to categories and/or libraries.


Descriptors were categorized based on work by R. Guha. The list gives code names and number of descriptors in braces:

  • geometrical (20)

  • topological (186)

  • electronic (10)

  • cpsa (28)

  • constitutional (48)

  • hybrid (23)


Three libraries are employed. The list gives code names and number of descriptors in braces.

  • cdk (263)

  • openbabel (20)

  • joelib (32)

Creating a Feature Dataset

Descriptor Calculation

The deployment on is used to demonstrate the usage:

Get a list of all descriptors: Query the pc descriptor service without parameters.

curl ""

Calculate all descriptors (using AllDescriptors from the above list) by POSTing a dataset uri.

curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode "dataset_uri=..." \

Pass arguments pc_type and/or lib to constrain the query to certain categories and/or libraries. Use code names from above as argument values. E.g., to calculate constitutional and electronic descriptors from CDK, use pc_type=constitutional,electronic and lib=cdk.

curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode "dataset_uri=..." \
--data-urlencode "pc_type=constitutional,electronic", \
--data-urlencode "lib=cdk" \

It is possible to combine values by appending them in a comma-separated list. Moreover,

  • Calculate individual descriptors by POSTing to one of the other URIs from the list.

  • The POST returns a task URI that can be queried for progress.

That’s it! The resulting feature dataset contains extensive OWL feature metadata:

  • OT.hasSource: The dataset passed as dataset_uri argument

  • DC.creator: The webservice used to calculate the feature

  • DC.description: Free text with a human readable description, library, and category of the feature


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